Photo of Sunrise Behind Windmills

A Morning Prayer

Almighty and everlasting God. We praise and magnify Your holy and mighty name. Holy. Holy. Holy. LORD. God almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. One God, world without end. Amen.

Father, I beg You, cleanse my heart that You might hear my prayer. Holy Spirit, read my heart that You might speak my words.

O, most merciful God, who has given Your only-begotten Son to die for me, have mercy upon me and for His sake grant me remission of all my sins which I have committed against You, for which I am heartily sorry and of which I sincerely repent. I have wasted every opportunity You have offered me, broken or destroyed every gift You have given me, and hurt, injured, or worse, every person You have brought into my life to love me and to be loved by me. In turn, I have hated and despised them for I have hated and despised You.

Forgive me every day for anything I do, say, or think that is not pleasing to You and I ask now for Your forgiveness. Help me to see sin through Your eyes and to acknowledge it as evil, and when I sin, let me repent and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing and receive Your forgiveness, and by Your Holy Spirit increase in me true knowledge of You and Your will and true obedience to Your Word, to the end that by Your grace I may come to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Good morning, LORD. Father, I thank You for this day. I thank You for bringing me safely through the night, for waking me once again, for making me a part of Your beautiful and holy creation, and for sharing it with me. Set my feet this day in Your paths of righteousness leading to You. Set my hands to their tasks with joy, and praise, and thanksgiving and set my tasks to Your glory.

Bless my endeavors, my travels, and my encounters this day. Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Heal me, strengthen me, help me. Guide, lead, and teach me in the fulfillment of Your will. Use me as You will. Reveal Yourself through me where You will. Help me to treat each person I encounter this day with Your peace, love, and grace.

Help me to live this day in Your grace: to consider You in all things, to praise You in all things, and to thank You in all things. Help me to recognize the presence, the movement, and the power of Your Spirit in the world, in my heart, and in my life, and to acknowledge it to myself, before men, and to Your glory.

Please broaden my mind that I might consider all things. Help me to make the most of this day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You, and when this world closes in on me, help me to remember the example of Jesus: to slip away and find a quiet place to pray.

Open my eyes this day to behold Your word. Open my heart and mind to delight in Your word and to Your truth. I thank You that You’re in my heart and that I believe.

Continue to use me to do Your will. Continue to bless me that I might be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may encourage others. Thank You for all these blessings and for opening the windows of Heaven and pouring down a blessing for me until there is no more need.

I thank You for everything. I praise and thank You for Your death on the cross, and that Your cross has become the glorious tree of life for all who believe. I thank You for bearing my sin and shame, and that Your spilt blood has washed away all my sin, cleansed me, and made me whole. I thank You for redeeming and saving me, for forgiving and loving me, for coming to earth to die for me, that i might be saved and come live with You forever.

Thank You for revealing Your divine truth and love to us through the family, and for the nurture, compassion, and the love that you have shown me through my family. I thank you for my children, and for my mom; and for those who You have brought close to us, through whom You touch and bless us every day, and who You may touch and bless through us. I thank You for all those You have brought into and through our lives, through whom You have blessed and rewarded us beyond measure, teaching and growing us so much; to whom I have done so much evil, and for whom I have done so little good: all turning to filthy rags and worse apart from Your grace. Help me, LORD, that if it be Your will, I might fulfill the roles with which You have blessed me as designed in Your creation and defined in Your word: that I might be a better father, son, husband, brother, friend, person: a better neighbor.

I pray for all of these, LORD: for Your blessing upon them and Your revelation to them, especially for those closest to me, whom I have hurt and disappointed the most, failing them at every turn, and none more so than You. Forgive me. I pray that You would heal the injuries I have inflicted and relieve the suffering I have caused, using that suffering to Your glory opening their eyes to Your presence and turning hearts to You.

I thank You and I pray for all my brothers and sisters, for each and every family member in our households. I pray for peace, love, and joy in our homes, that we are out of debt, and all our needs are met.

Thank You for our pastor, his wife and children, and their family, for bringing them to us in our time of need. Bless them as You have blessed us through them, and grant them the strength, wisdom, and patience they require to shepherd and minister to us.

I ask You to bless, and I thank You and pray for all those who share Your Gospel, that You would keep them true, and straight, and faithful in Your word; for our leaders, that You would guide them in the fulfillment of Your will; and for our shepherds, that Your love and compassion would pour down on them, and flow from their flocks to the world.

I pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs. I thank You and I pray for the faithful proclamation of Christ’s saving name, that Your people may be strengthened in the true faith and Your kingdom extended; for the holy Christian Church throughout the world and for all who confess the name of Christ, that You would guard and defend us from the temptations of the devil, the world, and our sinful nature; for our congregation and our sister congregations, our mission and our people; for the ability to meet the needs that arise as we do the work You have given us to do, and for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and for the courage and strength to follow Your will on the path You set before us.

I pray for those who celebrate new life this day: that You would enter their lives with Your grace and Your peace, granting the joy that comes with the knowledge of Your presence.

I pray for those who mourn this day: that You would comfort them in their grief with the knowledge of Your resurrection and the resurrection to come. I thank You for the lives they mourn, and the blessings You have showered on the world through those lives.

I pray for all who suffer this day, who are sick in body, mind, or soul, suffering illness or injury, heartache or loneliness, for those who are lost and cannot find their way, and for those who reach out to them, for those who are misjudged and misunderstood, and for those who misjudge and misunderstand, for those who don’t know You intimately, and for those who don’t believe.

For all of these, and for myself, I lift my prayers to You. Stretch Your hand over us. Gather us to Your fold. Heal our wounded hearts, bodies, and minds. Open our blind eyes and turn our dying souls to You. I believe You change people and You can change all things.

I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than You. I pray these words be received into the hearts of every eye that reads them and every mouth that confesses them willingly. I pray that Your will be done.

This is my prayer, and I pray in the name of your blessed Son, my precious LORD and Savior: Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit: one God, world without end, Amen.